Sunday 16 December 2012

Reflection: CV

Curriculum vitae (CV)

As we know resume or CV is important thing in job application and interview. Based on my previous lesson it same thing and never change which the format must describe in brief about our personal detail, educational, qualification and experience. Just the template is different. Now a day all candidates just send their resume via online. Via online resume much better which fast and we know it delivered to that company.
Other point that we need to emphasize is a references. We must make sure that our referee is people that know us. Don’t put name of person that you think can give negative impact or bad perception about yourself. If possible to us provide a referee just state “available upon request”. As a conclusion with good resume it can help us to promote our self strength and increase our chance to getting a job. Remember never try to cheat in your resume because it will harm you.

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