Sunday 16 December 2012

Reflection: Interview

Preparation and high confidence is important as a candidate for interview. Other than that well groom and good in first impression also can help we market our self. In week 14 I was attend the interview conducted by sir Ghazali as a part of syllabus for subject career search. During the interview session, my feeling was so nervous and not satisfied with my answer. But when my friends which are interviewer ask the question I feel excited to answer even though I did not answer well all the questions. However it is the best interview session and it will help me much if I held an interview session in future. Other than that, I enjoyed this interview and for others candidates please take note the important thing before attend the interview. The interview is one step for us to show or market our self capabilities to get the job. So don’t make any mistake and make sure the interviewer will select us as their employee.

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