Sunday 16 December 2012



In this my line activity I need to comment on two topics. For the first topic I give my opinion on the attitude of fresh graduate when attending the interview. The statement stated that the fresh graduate had a bad attitude and very demand in the salary expected. In two years I also will be job seekers. So, I do not think that I will show the bad attitude when I am attending the interview session because the attitude will reflect my personalities.  If I have bad personalities how the employer or the organization will hire me. Of course they will reject the candidates that are too demand and have a bad personalities. So, I really think that not all fresh graduates are like that.
For the topic two, I choose to give opinion about an emotional intelligent. I really think that the emotional intelligent is very important especially when I am graduated and entering the work life. My ambition is I want to be a Human Resource Manager in next five years, so as a manager I must be a good example or role model for my employee. I need to control my stress even it is difficult but I need to be intelligent to control my emotion. This is important because the employee will respect their employer who are friendly and have a good leadership style.

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