Tuesday 11 December 2012


On 4 October 2012 my groups went to Johor Port, for completing our interview session at MSTS Asia. When we arrived at MSTS Company, we are surprised because this company were located at coastal area. We are very excited because we got opportunity to feel the actual environment seem like at offshore plant. Here, there are about our interviewer’s details:

 Andy Paterson

·         Head of Training & Operations, Regional


Academic Qualification:

  •  High Scholl in United Kingdom
  • Diploma in Management
  • Certificate training management

Working experience:
  • He began from the bottom, and learning from zero because he starts to work as a cleaner at Dutch company. In the age of 17 he involves in practical training as trainer for two years experiences, his youth desire to working outside make him apply to work at Malaysia but he failed because of his age. After a few years he apply again that position which is have 400 applicants, only 50 selected for interview session then 10 from 50 applicants was selected for final interviews and he is the only one was chosen by the company.
  • He has 25 years as trainer in safety and health that related to the oil and gas industry. Beside that’s, he also have 7 years working experiences as training instructor in Holland then up to senior instructor.
  • He also has working experiences in other branches around Asia such as in Philippine, South Korea, Vietnam, Bangkok and many more.
Other skills:
  • Managerial skill
  •  Supervisorial skill
  • Leadership skill
  • Communication skill
  • Customer service skill

Starting salary:
·         USD 20,000

Current salary:
·         USD 87, 965

Company size:
·         Multinational across the region

Fringe benefits:
  •    Car fringe benefits
  •    Entertainment
  •  Housing
  •   Living away from home allowance (LAFHA)
  •  Telecommunication expenses
  •  Transfer and appointment expenses
  • Travel expenses

Medical Plan:
·         Have panel clinic (OASIS Johor Port) also covered under company insurance

Corporate culture:
·        He has opportunity to learn and develop his knowledge, skill, and ability through training. Meanwhile about relationship between subordinate are close and treat like as one big family besides that satisfy customer’s needs are the priorities.

Travelling frequency:
·         As they are lots of branches, of course he need to travel frequently at least minimum in a year he will have four times opportunities to travel.

Training undergone:
  • Customer service
  • Oil and gas training
  •   Leadership
  •   Managerial and supervisory skill for trainer
  •   Professional training course for trainer

Job responsibilities:
·         Observe trainer development performance, assessing the trainer’s performance especially during conducting training program, ensure all the equipment and facilities were controlled and sufficient, other than that he also ensure all the need’s client was satisfied.

Advice for undergraduate seeking the same career path:
·         It is okay to begin with zero experience especially for fresh graduated, but to become succeed they need to have courage and motivation to start their career in this industry. Knowledge, skill and experience all important in order to ensure they are competent and able to keep fighting in this path.

Our group members with Andy Paterson

 This is his business card

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