Thursday 6 December 2012

MyLine Activity's Reflection

Thursday, 06 December 2012

MyLine activity is a compulsory assessment that we should done for every English class starting from Sem 1. But this time, I can see different style in answering MyLine because I need to give my own opinion in the form of forum and not just fill in the form. It makes me more confident in giving the opinion from the issues given. This style helps students to know about the real situation happening in the working environment. Thus, we can prepare ourselves starting from now on and try to find the solution of the problem as prevention is always better than cure. Sometimes, it is best to prevent rather than try to solve it. Besides that, I can read other students’ comment or opinion from different courses. Lastly, I can say that this is like a knowledge sharing in informal learning and an easy method to get the information. 
(149 words). 

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