Friday 14 December 2012

Interview Session Reflection......


AH 100256

Interview session it’s so interesting activities that I have learned.  It would give me a lot of experience.  Other than that, I learned how to ensure that interviewer interested to listen what I’m need to deliver from interview question that is given by interviewer.  At the same time, I’m feel nervous during interview session especially when I’m required to answer a some sort of the interview question that is given by the interviewer.  Also, I learned how to tackle the situation such as to ensure that interviewer convince about our leadership skill from previous experience that would help them receive to work at the company.  Then, I could see that interpersonal skill such as fluent in communication skill it’s an important way to answer the interview question be more efficiently.  Furthermore, in this interview session that I have already learned will enhanced the level of confidence.  This is would help me to facing the same situation that require me attend for another interview after I’m finishing my study. 

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