Friday 14 December 2012

My Line Reflection.......



AH 100256

Based on my reaction on My line that I get it’s so interesting to learned.  The first thing that I get based on what I’m respond on My line, I see that this My line it’s different from others My line that I have already do it before this.  This is because I’m needed to respond which of any types of topic that are appearing in My line such as about “the habit of fresh graduate at work”.  After I’m respond, I will get something which is I can comment whether I’m agree or not from the topic that already are given by the writers.  At the same time, I will be able to give an idea or critics on the topic.  Then, it will enhance my knowledge in order to give opinion about the topic.  Besides that, it will improve my reading skill especially about the latest news or new topics nowadays. 


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