Monday 17 December 2012

Reflection: Digital Portfolio

Dewi Dassan A/L Ramu Nadar
To create the digital portfolio, I prepare myself with discussion with my lecturer and my friends. Then, I decide the method to deliver my presentation. Firstly, I decide to do it by creating a blog to include my portfolio.  But then, I discover the Prezi flash software which I find interesting and interactive. So, I ask my friends who familiar with the software to teach me. The software is very easy and quite enjoyable to create. With the guideline from my friends, I learn how to design a good flash video. After that, I create my own flash comprising my portfolio using this Prezi software.

 The digital portfolio displays my achievement in academic and extra-curricular activities with evidence. I include the certificate that I obtained as an evidence for my involvement in every activity. This task encourages me to be creative and also improve my technical skill in using multimedia.

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